The Foshays are currently working on a new project to promote their next single “Get Me to Normal.” We can’t reveal much at this date, but we can tell you the project will include the boys in their first long-form comic. “We’re excited to show our fans we can keep their attention for more than one panel!” lead singer Harry Blessing exclaims. “Yeah we’re more than a bunch of bad insults and vague one-liners!” Joey Miece, the bass man, chimes in. “We believe our next single is gonna be the best so far and we want to give people a reason to hear it.” explains Franky Foshay. Brother and, bummer drummer, Freddy Foshay makes the final pitch, “I’m real confidant people will see the real Foshays being real in this real-life drama about a real band doing real things! Really I am… Really!!!” Okay Freddy don’t shout, we hear ya! More updates to come!

In the rehearsal studio. A scene from The Foshays upcoming comic.
In the rehearsal studio. A scene from The Foshays upcoming comic.
Introducing The Foshay Van: A Ford Econoline circa 1992


With influences ranging from 60s Stomp and Bubble Gum to Heavy Metal and New Wave these two never seem to run out of ideas for their songs. How do they do it? “Repeating words and phrases over and over works good because it sounds cool and you don’t have to write as much” states frontman Harry Blessing.  Franky Foshay admits he has a few tricks up his sleave as well “I always like to use a double negative to confuse the listener ‘what’s he talking about? He’s crazy mannnn!’ Plus misspelling wurds iz kool!” When pressed further the boys take a serious tone, Franky explains “We like to write about the negative and confusing parts of life and make fun fast pop rock songs that more or less celebrate those ‘negative’ feelings as something we all share.” Harry chimes in “Yeah, it’s kinda like our bratty version of the blues. It’s gotta be a simple message, short and sweet, easy to relate to” Well if you can relate, check out The Foshays First two singles on SoundCloud below.

I got no song ideas todayNo Harry

Check out The Foshays first two singles on SoundCloud.


Lately it seems Freddy Foshay can’t keep his big fat mouth shut. You might have noticed him accosting his bandmates or kavetching about the latest online trend, but rest assured Freddy is no slouch! He’s got plans for world domination hiding under that spiked hair and devil shades.  “I’m moving at the speed of business my friend, and The Foshays are my ride to the top!” Sure he might get dinged for being callous turd burglar from time to time, but as Freddy puts it “The squeaky wheel gets the grease and I’m the greasiest guy I know!” So try to be understanding when this greasy visionary is on the offensive, “It’s not my fault my lips are from the future, half the time I don’t even know what I’m saying!” Well, we’re listening Freddy, we’re listening…. zzzzzzzzzzz…..Forget I said that

Is Twitter making you bitter? Snap Chat biting you back? Facebook not worth a look? YouTube full of gooby-goob? If you’re feeling this way, Freddy Foshay says  “You’re not trying hard enough! Get on that phone and check your stats, likes, news feeds, and post something NOW! Take a selfie while sitting in your car, ‘Looking Good!’ Find a cat ‘Oh my god, sooooooo cute!!!’ Your lunch is a good topic ‘That looks tasty, I’m jealous!’ Are you feeling political? ‘That elected official makes me sick!” See, without YOU, social media is just So-So media, and even though we’ve all seen it, and done it before, it’s worth a second look. The rhythms of life, thoughts, and experiences at our fingertips trapped behind glass forever.So-So Media

Yes it’s true, The Foshays are gay for Slade! They are also gay for The Equals, Cheap Trick, Sweet, The Rubettes, Tommy James, The Cars, The Kinks, The Monkees, Steppenwolf, The Runaways, The Music Machine, ELO, Led Zeppelin, and The Beatles. They have also been known to have trysts with many random finds at the local record shops like Cheapo, Roadrunner, Flashlight, Mill City, and Barely Brothers. Gay for Slade

Freddy is right. Nobody likes being popular.  Popularity is sick drug sold to us through social media channels like the one you are accessing now to view a portion of this post. We all bang these channels like our caffeinated drinks or chewing gum or littering, wut ever gets you off, wutever! The point being the most of the most popular deal with this affliction most acutely. Could you imagine how hard it is to think about yourself all the time? We cannnnnnnnnnnnn               t.Freddy Foshay says being popular is the price of being popular

Take a deep breath Franky! Despite some delays, The Foshays first album “Not So Now” is well on the way to being finished. A tweak here, a fader mover there, and then export, export, export! I guess none of that helps this predicament you’re in now. May I suggest a lock for the studio door? Or maybe a nice band sized kennel?

Have you had the kind of week where expectations were high but resources were low? A lot of Uhhhh-pinions but no Uhhhh-deas? Not willing to accept the same old same old? Harry and Franky have the words to soothe yer soul. “But Hey! Not Today!” Use these words in good spirits to cast away the bad one and get something done today!But Hey Not Today

With all the recent social and political upheavals lately, The Foshays have the perfect response for all the crusty old fogeys out there in world trying to stop change. “Not So Now!” Emphasize “Not” it sounds like its “not happening now.”  Emphasize “So” it sounds like it’s not contemporary. Emphasize the “Now” it sounds like “Not So” is the mode of apparatus. All of which applies. Take time to consider which “Not So Now”  you are feeling when watching the news, checking your feeds, or listening to your friend complain. The Foshays want to wish you all a happy International Woman’s Day! Not so Now

The Foshays really really “Like” you. Why? Because! That’s why! Yer totally awesome in every way. That thing you did was so cool and stuff! And yer so smart cuz you like The Foshays too! So don’t ever change baybee. We “ Like” ya the way you are!