The Foshays are currently working on a new project to promote their next single “Get Me to Normal.” We can’t reveal much at this date, but we can tell you the project will include the boys in their first long-form comic. “We’re excited to show our fans we can keep their attention for more than one panel!” lead singer Harry Blessing exclaims. “Yeah we’re more than a bunch of bad insults and vague one-liners!” Joey Miece, the bass man, chimes in. “We believe our next single is gonna be the best so far and we want to give people a reason to hear it.” explains Franky Foshay. Brother and, bummer drummer, Freddy Foshay makes the final pitch, “I’m real confidant people will see the real Foshays being real in this real-life drama about a real band doing real things! Really I am… Really!!!” Okay Freddy don’t shout, we hear ya! More updates to come!

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