Yes it’s true! The number 1 Minneapolis cartoon rock band, The Foshays, first album, Not So Now, is finally online for your approval. When asked about the delay, lead guitarist and songwriter Franky Foshay commented “We wanted to wait for the right moment so the album could make the most impact. Also The Gorillaz just put out an album had the word ‘Now’ in it as well, and we didn’t want to be upstaged by another cartoon act. Yes, I received constant death threats from other bandmates, but in the end I think it was worth it.” What can one expect from this collection of 13 songs. Lead singer/gutarist and keyboard player Harry Blessing had this to say about Not So Now’s sound ”It’s rock and roll the way it’s meant to be played, fast, fun, catchy, no song over three minutes, no ballads, no bullshit!” Drummer Freddy Foshay chimes in “We do everything that every band wants to do but can’t! How do I know this? Just look around! Where’s the Rock and Roll these days? Nowhere but here baby!” Bass man Joey Miece is a tad more subdued “It’s got a great beat and you can dance to it, that’s for sure.” Well decide for yourself why Not So Now is one of the best albums of all time. Check them out on Soundcloud and Bandcamp today.
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