Lately it seems Freddy Foshay can’t keep his big fat mouth shut. You might have noticed him accosting his bandmates or kavetching about the latest online trend, but rest assured Freddy is no slouch! He’s got plans for world domination hiding under that spiked hair and devil shades. “I’m moving at the speed of business my friend, and The Foshays are my ride to the top!” Sure he might get dinged for being callous turd burglar from time to time, but as Freddy puts it “The squeaky wheel gets the grease and I’m the greasiest guy I know!” So try to be understanding when this greasy visionary is on the offensive, “It’s not my fault my lips are from the future, half the time I don’t even know what I’m saying!” Well, we’re listening Freddy, we’re listening…. zzzzzzzzzzz…..
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