“If you really love music, you have to buy Vinyl, YOU HAVE TOO!” implores lead singer of The Foshays, Harry Blessing. “If you stream even one song off the internet, you’re literally taking a big fat stinky dump on all artists and musicians in the world! So stop it now!” Literally? “Yeah I said what I meant…” Harry continues on his soap box “…like, did you know that every time a song is streamed on Spotify the artist makes about $0.003 to $0.005 per stream, and a baby puppy is sacrificed on an unholy alter within darkest halls of the music industry? Did you?” Now Harry I don’t think that’s… “I happen to LOVE PUPPIES and I will protect them with all my heart, and that’s why I buy vinyl, and not groceries!” Yeah we got you Harry! Groceries?-“YUCK!”
Category: Comic
“TikTok sucks, SnapChat sucks, Instagram sucks, Facebook sucks, Youtube sucks, X, oops! I mean Twitter sucks, Truth Social sucks, Reddit sucks, Linked-In sucks, Discord sucks, WhatsApp sucks, Threads sucks, Wikipedia sucks, Blue Sky Sucks, Pinterest sucks, etc, etc, etc.. Remember, opinions are like assholes, so when you are on your favorite social media app, don’t for get to pucker-up!”
You can’t believe everything you read. You can’t read everything you believe. You can’t expect miracles, and they can’t expect you. You can’t always be happy. You can’t always be sad, and you can’t always get what you want. In the end it’s all just a big miss-mash of whatever! But The Foshays are here to make one thing clear, and is that not everybody rocks, but everybody CAN ROCK! and that ain’t half bad!
Sorry Joey! I guess you’re going to have to try harder if you want your song on the next album.
It’s ok if you didn’t know. We caught up Harry Blessing, the lead singer for The Foshays, and asked what he thought about the state of pop music “If your looking on the charts, your already lost. If you think new music is dead, you’re old nay-say. If you think Rock n Roll is just a medium drenched in nostalgia, you’re a dumb kid. If you think the live performance should sound like the record, then you’re a simpleton. If your modern ears can’t appreciate the sound of a scratchy piece of vinyl, I feel sorry for you.” Whoa Harry! Slow down chewing that red meat you might choke!
Yes it’s true! The number 1 Minneapolis cartoon rock band, The Foshays, first album, Not So Now, is finally online for your approval. When asked about the delay, lead guitarist and songwriter Franky Foshay commented “We wanted to wait for the right moment so the album could make the most impact. Also The Gorillaz just put out an album had the word ‘Now’ in it as well, and we didn’t want to be upstaged by another cartoon act. Yes, I received constant death threats from other bandmates, but in the end I think it was worth it.” What can one expect from this collection of 13 songs. Lead singer/gutarist and keyboard player Harry Blessing had this to say about Not So Now’s sound ”It’s rock and roll the way it’s meant to be played, fast, fun, catchy, no song over three minutes, no ballads, no bullshit!” Drummer Freddy Foshay chimes in “We do everything that every band wants to do but can’t! How do I know this? Just look around! Where’s the Rock and Roll these days? Nowhere but here baby!” Bass man Joey Miece is a tad more subdued “It’s got a great beat and you can dance to it, that’s for sure.” Well decide for yourself why Not So Now is one of the best albums of all time. Check them out on Soundcloud and Bandcamp today.
So you’re going to make banana bread, huh? Really!? Oh, Ok I guess that’s why there’s a pile of charcoal black bananas taking up the glut of the freezer. That’s neat! Oh and make sure you use that open bag of walnuts that’s been smushed behind the cereal boxes for the past few months, mmm I love that slightly rancid stale aftertaste. Oh! and pretty please can you bake every loaf in an inconsistent way? My favorite is when it’s burt just a little so you can justify trying to eat it, but you instantly regret doing so. What? you changed your mind and your not going to make banana bread? Hope it wasn’t something I said.
After 4 years of painfully inane divisive politicking from the right wing, and one week after our capital was attacked by a bunch of bat-shit crazy QAnon racist thugs, the Republicans in congress want to debate the finer points of unity. Whining about “cancel culture” as if they have ever shown respect for any culture other than their own over the past decades. Once again, they are trying to put the blame on the Democrats for their failings. Feigning indignation, and clutching their pearls in horror, they claim impeachment is going too far, when their lack of action in the prior weeks, months, and years caused these stupid fascists to riot in the first place. Their lives were threatened by a Trump coup, and they’re are still licking the Presidents boots. At best it’s dip-shitery, at worst it’s treason. These people should not be trusted with any political power at all. Call it “cancel culture” if you want, but some cultures need to be cancelled.
Did you know that the most annoying, frustrating, banal, unromantic expense for a garage rocker are cords? Cheap cords are cheap, and expensive cords are, well, really expensive. If you play with pedals, you’ll need a lot of them. If you record your band live, you’re gonna need a lot more. If unattended, cords will get under foot and/or around legs, arms or any other body part that happens to be flailing about the rehearsal space. Luckily for us The Foshays are masters at navigating through this hell with their box of old cords and plenty of useless body parts to get tangled in the hairy nest that is the rock n roll “studio.”
The Foshays have been under a lot of stress lately. With the threat of Covid-19, and fascist regimes looming in our government, it’s hard to take seriously a not-so-serious outfit like a cartoon garage rock band. Trust me when I say “They get it!” Even though cartoon characters can’t technically catch Covid, and setting fire to political enemies in a comic panel isn’t really attempted murder, The Foshays know what it’s not like to be heard(Ha-ha!) Hear them now, check out The Foshays latest single “Get Me to Normal”
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